It is back to school season and with that your kids may feel any number of emotions – excitement, anticipation, worry, and even dread! And while it’s typical for children to have some back-to-school jitters, it can be hard on us as parents to know how to best help them. As a parent of three children, school counsellor and parenting consultant with Onyx Assessments, I would like to share five strategies to reduce your children’s anxiety – and yours!
Be Empathetic
Watch Your Own Worry
Make A Plan And Do A Run Through
Attend The School Orientations
Have A Connection Ritual
These five strategies can go a long way in easing both your children’s and your own back-to-school anxiety. By approaching the new school year with empathy and understanding, you help your kids feel seen and supported. Managing your own concerns, reducing the unknowns, attending school orientations, and creating meaningful connection rituals can all help foster a smoother transition. While back-to-school jitters are natural, being proactive and emotionally present can make a big difference in helping your child feel prepared and confident for the school year ahead.
Happy back to school!